Below are some recent photos of Customer products ready for delivery .
We are proud of this recent showcase . The first is of two “RUSTIC TEAK DOORS “ for the new LIGHT SPORT AIRCRAFT CLUB airfield in Bulawayo . The Doors are for the fantastic toilet block adjacent to the Clubhouse . As the photies depict the RUSTIC doors, which carry the marks of the history of the wood in every panel , are also CUSTOM ENGRAVED . This is a popular option which we offer . A third door for the actual clubhouse will be manufactured in due course .
The new Airstrip is on the site of a historic World War 2 airport which was – and still is known as SAUERDALE . Allied pilots from throughout the Commonwealth and friendly nations were trained to fly and operate aircraft in this country at that time . That was a proud time in the history of our young country .
The Timber for these and all our products is SUSTAINABLY HARVESTED . An upcoming blog will revist this sustainable narrative again soon .
We also have pictures of some beautiful arched doors and windows for one of our very many wonderful clients in Harare . We have many great products but our arches and sliding sash windows are extra stunning .
Onward and upward Zimbabwe.