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Greetings to all of our friends and followers .  We hope everyone is enjoying the lovely crisp winter days with blue skies that we have in Bulawayo .

We have had a busy time recently . Production has been good . No power cuts in May at all .

In spite of the challenging times our orders have been steadily increasing .  Thank you Customers !!!

Net result is that we decided to invest in some “ New Machinery”  .

Now to be clear , the machinery in new to us , although it  is actually second hand but in good condition .

We have fine technical guys to maintain and commission these wonderful old machines . They range in age from fifty years to three years .

The photies are posted below . For those who are technically minded there are four new machines .

An Italian made “ thicknesser planer” – a fine machine in beautiful condition .

A  “spindler”  made in England many years ago .

A Taiwanese “ planer”

And finally an East German ( Remember them?)  “ router” .

This investment in machinery was made  for several reasons .  To increase production capacity , to improve quality and delivery times . Also to provide redundancy in case other machines have breakdowns .

Importantly better  production gives us the chance of passing on the benefits of lower  lowered prices . That is the aim .

We are all very excited about this . It is good for morale and confidence .  It has been a few years since we had new machines .

Orders in the last two months have been along these lines

Teak  62%

Painted Pine 8%

Cypress  24%

Mukwa  6%.

Production for June is on stream to be our best month in several years . We are praying for no or few powercuts .  We do have back up generators but ZESA is best .

See the pictures below of Bernard from marketing Dept smiling at the “ Input”  board .

All of this is Custom designed and produce

Teakland Headquarters
10 Bon Accord Road